Technical University of Moldova organized the eTwinning Summer School
From 56 days to 12 months! Fathers can have a longer paternity leave
Secretary General of the MIA at the UN General Assembly
Agreement on the liberalization of the carriage of goods by road – NEW DETAILS
State University of Moldova – member of the UNICA university network
Green light for the disbursement of EU money. Will Moldova be able to defend itself?
“Bessarabia”, promoted through culture and tradition in Romania
Andreas Dapp: With the help of GIZ, we have created 40 jobs at Comrat
Top summer destinations in Moldova
Moldova has signed the Agreement on the Liberalization of Freight Transport
Former EBRD employee who pulled the strings in the Giurgiulesti transaction – ACCUSED!
The case of Giurgiulesti Port – seizure of over 150 million lei