Four deputies from the current legislature participated in the war on the Dniester

Four deputies from the current legislature participated in the war on the Dniester, defending the integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova. They are Boris Marcoci, Valeriu Muduc, Boris Popa and Veaceslav Nigai, the Parliament informs. Also, three other employees of the Parliament Secretariat participated in these large-scale military actions. One of them is Iurie Moscalu.

He defended the country on the VarniÈ›a-Tighina plateau, as a commander. It went through the most terrible clashes – from CoÈ™niÈ›a, DoroÈ›caia, Cocieri.

“Many years after the events of ’92, he could not tell his children about the tragedy he went through together with his comrades – his daughter Maria, born three weeks after the outbreak of the war on the Dniester, and his son Dumitru. At some point, he decided it was time for them to meet. It is certain that only by telling about it to our children, grandchildren, we can preserve the memory of the true history of the country. During the month of March, he will also tell the visitors of the Parliament about the drama of the war on the Dniester”, announce the representatives of the legislature.


We remind you that today marks the 31st anniversary of the beginning of the combat actions for the defense of the integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova. Officially, the conflict on the Dniester began on March 2, 1992, but the first clashes took place much earlier.

On September 2, 1990, the “Nistrean Moldavian Republic” was proclaimed, and on August 27, 1991, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopted the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Moldova, whose territory also included the districts on the left of the Dniester. The Moldovan parliament then asked the USSR government “to start negotiations with the Moldovan Transnistrian government regarding the illegal occupation of the Republic of Moldova and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Moldovan territory.”

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