
Gazprom is waiting for Moldovagaz to pay its debts. How many millions does it owe?

Moldovagaz announces that it has to pay 40.05 million dollars for November gas deliveries. According to bani.md, last month, our country received from Russia 101.8 million cubic meters at a price of $815.01/1000 cubic meters, respectively, and the cost of gas was $83.0 million or about 1,618.5 million lei.

“Taking into account the advance payments already transferred related to the month of November in the amount of 42.95 million US dollars (832.73 million lei), the value of the debt for November deliveries is 40.05 million dollars (781 million lei), which must be paid in December”, announces the company.


In December, the volume of natural gas purchased from Gazprom was about 10.2 million cubic meters, for 742.13 dollars per thousand cubic meters. In total, Moldovagaz’s obligations towards Gazprom reach 43.84 million dollars or 854.9 million lei.

The mentioned amounts include the balance of the debt for November: 40.05 million dollars or 781.0 million lei and the consumption in December, estimated at 3.79 million dollars or 73.9 million lei. The money is to be transferred to Gazprom by December 20.

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