“It will bring many benefits to the country”: Expert about EPС Summit


The summit of the European Political Community will bring many benefits to the Republic of Moldova. It will speed up the process of European integration and strengthen relations with the EU states. It was stated by the expert of the Institute for European Policy and Reforms (EPR) Mihai Mogyldea.

According to him, in addition to diplomatic benefits, holding an event of this magnitude will increase the recognition of the country at the external level and attract investment.

The expert added that in this way, the Republic of Moldova demonstrates its commitment to joining the EU and strengthens its position as a key partner in the region.

“This is a historical event. We have never had the opportunity to host such a large number of heads of state, government, and leaders of European institutions, because the Republic of Moldova is not a member of the EU or NATO, or other associations. The summit will serve as a platform for discussions and cooperation, and the event itself will be widely covered in the media, which will increase the level of international public awareness about our country. This event will have more advantages and opportunities because hundreds of journalists will be in the Republic of Moldova from May 25 to June 6,” Mogyldea said.

The holding of the second meeting of the EPC summit will bring to the fore the economic potential of the Republic of Moldova, will increase the interest of foreign investors, as well as the development of commercial relations, the expert added.

“First of all, the country wins, and thanks to this, the people who live here. We can be proud that we live in a country that the world community has recognized as a reliable partner. The summit could bring more investment and raise the level of economic cooperation with the EU,” he added.

Moldova is set to host the European Political Community Summit on June 1st, 2023, an event that will bring together nearly 50 leaders of states and around 1,000 foreign journalists. The European Political Community is a forum created last year, where European leaders discuss solutions to the most urgent problems facing Europe, such as security, stability, and energy resilience.

The Summit will be covered extensively by the media, with Realitatea, one of Moldova’s leading news agencies, providing up-to-date and accurate information about the event. For readers of realitatea.md, bani.md, rupor.md, rlive.md, and moldovalive.md, a separate category dedicated to the Summit has been created.