Klaus Iohannis lobbies for Moldova. European leaders released a “strong message” of support for our country

European leaders sent a strong message of support for the Republic of Moldova, which is facing the complex impact of the war, after the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, spoke at the European Union-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit and the meeting of the European Council, which took place in Brussels, on December 14-15, about the need to provide further aid to our country.

Following these conclusions of the Summit, it was especially highlighted that the European Union will continue to provide all relevant support to the Republic of Moldova, especially in terms of energy security.


In the field of energy, the European Council welcomed the progress in the implementation of the conclusions of October 2022, asking the relevant ministers from us to urgently finalize the legislative package on strengthening solidarity through better coordination of gas purchases, accelerating the implementation of renewable energy and establishing a mechanism market correction to protect citizens and the economy from excessive prices. The European leaders emphasized the importance of continuing the work on the operationalization of the EU Energy Platform, the preparation for the 2023/2024 season and reiterated the importance of increasing investments. At the beginning of 2023, the European Commission’s proposal on the reform of the EU electricity market is expected, including for managing the effect of the gas price on the price of electricity, an aspect also supported by the President of Romania, writes caleaeuropeană.eu.

The economic field was addressed in close connection with the impact of high energy prices, with European leaders emphasizing the importance of safeguarding the economic, industrial and technological base of the European Union, preparing the economy for the green and digital transition and reducing strategic dependencies and a coordinated response to strengthen economic resilience.

During the strategic discussion on the transatlantic relationship, the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, conveyed that, in the current geopolitical context, a solid transatlantic partnership remains essential, including for supporting Ukraine, strengthening the resilience of the Eastern partners and the security of the European continent as a whole.

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