Major investments. Gavrilița: We want a high-performing education system

Thirteen educational institutions in the country will receive over 14 million euros for the implementation of 20 projects. Following their implementation, approximately 52 laboratories and research centers, 67 classrooms, multipurpose rooms, and other training spaces will be equipped. Over 20 thousand students and 1500 teaching staff in the country will benefit from these investments. Today, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, Minister of Education and Research, Anatolie Topală, rectors of universities, and directors of colleges participated in the launch event of investment projects in universities and pedagogical colleges, selected within the “Higher Education in Moldova” project.

The Head of the Executive mentioned that, although our country is going through a difficult period, the Government is determined to achieve the development goals and follow the European aspirations of the country. According to the prime minister, the field of education will continue to enjoy investments in quality and modernization, but also in ensuring the connection between education and research.

“We all know that the economy of the future will be one based on knowledge. Our country needs engineers to build a strong Moldova, established IT specialists, medical personnel we can trust and provide quality services, and teachers to train and cultivate values ​​in the new generations. The training of all these professions must take place with methods and contents relevant to our century, taking into account the transformations that not only our society is going through, but the whole of humanity”, said Natalia Gavrilița.

The prime minister added that, in order to raise higher education institutions to meet the expectations of young people and society, the authorities have carried out the institutional reform of universities and, in the future, will continue to improve the legislation in the field and come up with the necessary resources to ensure the quality of the educational process.


“Within the “Higher Education in Moldova” project, most of the funds, over 50 percent of the total, will go to the field of teacher training. Thus, we ensure the prerequisites for integration into the European Education Area and the European Research Area, where the education system in our country is the natural place. We want to have a high-performing educational system that fully contributes to the development of the country”, said the Prime Minister.

Among the entities selected by the competition team, 7 are public higher education institutions: “Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University from Chişinău, “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, The State University of Moldova, the “Alecu Russo” State University of Bălţi, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and the Technical University of Moldova. At the same time, 6 pedagogical colleges were selected: “Mihai Eminescu” College from Soroca, “Iulia Haşdeu” College from Cahul, “Mihail Ciachir” College from Comrat, “Alexei Mateevici” College from Chişinău, “Vasile Lupu” College from Orhei and pedagogical “Ion Creangă” from Bălţi.

The “Higher Education in Moldova” project is financed by the World Bank and implemented by the Ministry of Education in the period 2020-2025.

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