
Moldova Joins EU Civil Protection Mechanism

The government in Chișinău has ratified the Agreement between the Republic of Moldova, on one hand, and the European Union, on the other hand, regarding the participation of the Republic of Moldova in the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, signed in Chișinău on September 29, 2023. As a result, Moldovan firefighters and rescuers are joining the most robust international network for disaster prevention, preparedness, and response.

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism is a European initiative of solidarity designed to support countries in times of crisis and disaster.

With its official accession to the Mechanism, the Republic of Moldova will also be able to provide assistance and solidarity to other countries in distress through this means, ensuring a rapid and well-coordinated European response, while also being reimbursed for the incurred costs.

The Agreement for Moldova’s accession to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism will come into full force on January 1, 2024.

“The conclusion of the Agreement will have a positive impact on the protection of Moldova’s economic interests and will significantly contribute to the increased security and safety of the population and the environment. Another factor that will enhance the economic aspect is reducing the response time to emergencies and exceptional situations, which will help reduce subsequent material damage,” as stated in the project.

Moldova has benefited from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to address the large-scale displacements triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Earlier this year, the EU also installed 36 power generators in 30 Moldovan hospitals from its reserve.

In addition, the EU has supported Moldova with 48 million euros in humanitarian aid since the beginning of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

On April 28, 2023, the EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, presented Moldova with the roadmap for accession to the Mechanism.

Since 2001, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism has been activated over 650 times inside and outside the EU. Recent cases of activation include the earthquake in Turkey and Syria (2023), the war in Russia against Ukraine (2022-2023), the public health emergency caused by COVID-19 (2020-2022), forest fires in Europe (2021-2022), and repatriations from Afghanistan (2021).


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