
Moldova Scores 94% on EU Recommendations: Accession Talks in Sight, says Foreign Minister

When recommending to EU member states to open accession negotiations with our country, the European Commission strictly analyzed a report published three days ago, assessing the progress made by the Republic of Moldova towards fulfilling the recommendations from obtaining the status of a candidate country for accession, as well as the implementation of the acquis communautaire.

According to this report, the Commission assessed the results of the Republic of Moldova as “excellent.”

“In the European Commission’s report, published on November 8, the progress made by the Republic of Moldova is noted in practically all areas relevant to the functioning of a state. This report analyzes the progress of the Republic of Moldova in two categories: one is the implementation of recommendations when Moldova became a candidate country. The second concerns the progress of the Republic of Moldova in implementing the acquis communautaire on 35 so-called negotiation chapters, covering everything: tax systems, free movement of capital, persons, goods, fishing policies. So, it evaluates absolutely everything that happens. In both areas, the results of the Republic of Moldova are excellent. Based on these results, the European Commission recommended to member states to start accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova,” said the head of diplomacy in Chisinau.

Out of the nine recommendations proposed by the European Commission, the Republic of Moldova has managed to fully fulfill six, 100%. The other three, which relate to the reform of the justice system, the fight against corruption, and de-oligarchization, are almost complete, with only minor aspects remaining to be finalized.

These results led the European Commission to declare that the Republic of Moldova has fulfilled 94% of the recommendations it was supposed to meet.

“So, out of nine recommendations, the Republic of Moldova has fulfilled six by 100%, and the other three are almost fulfilled, but we still have certain things that need to be finalized. The European Commission has developed an internal analysis system that assesses the implementation rate of these recommendations, and the figure publicly communicated by the Commission is that the Republic of Moldova has fulfilled 94% of the actions we were supposed to fulfill. At this stage, we have some measures left in three areas: the fight against corruption, de-oligarchization, and the reform of the justice system,” added the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova.

However, the official explained that fulfilling these recommendations from the European Commission does not mean at all that suddenly, in the Republic of Moldova, the justice system will be radically reformed. It only means that, for a certain stage in the process of Moldova’s accession to the EU, the vital criteria regarding the improvement of justice in Chisinau have been met.

For a noticeable difference in terms of the justice system, the adoption of many more laws is needed.

“Obviously, completing these recommendations does not mean that suddenly, overnight, the justice system in the Republic of Moldova changes. But accomplishing these actions that remain will mean that for this stage in our path to accession to the European Union, the Republic of Moldova has taken a few steps, enough to start accession negotiations. So, this is the approach of the EU Commission to these things. To be more concrete, we still need to adopt a few more laws,” concluded Nicu Popescu.


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