New York, Paris, Kyiv, or Bucharest? Maia Sandu’s most expensive trip in 2022

In 2022, Maia Sandu had 19 trips abroad. For transportation, accommodation, food, and other related expenses, the presidential administration spent more than half a million lei.

Most of the money was directed to trips to Paris and New York. For two days, in France, for the delegation made up of the head of state, the head of the cabinet, and a specialist of the Communication Department, the Presidency emptied its accounts with over 77,000 lei.

For the visit to the USA, the presidential administration allocated over 75,000 lei. The delegation included the president, the general secretary of the Government, and the head of the protocol section.

For the travel of the head of state to Kyiv, the Presidency spent 0 lei. For the July visit to Bucharest of the delegation made up of three people, including Maia Sandu, Maia Sandu’s administration spent 1.2 thousand lei.

In 2023, the presidential administration allocated 700,000 lei for trips abroad. In 2019, the expenses were 1.8 million lei, in 2020 – over 600,000 lei, and in 2021 – over 500,000 lei.


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