ODA will launch new programs to support entrepreneurs. Who will benefit?


In 2023, the Organization for the Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA) will launch four new programs, which will support the economic empowerment of women (Women in Business), small businesses (Small Producers), the increase of export capacities (Local Suppliers) and the development of agro-pensions (Rural Tourism). This was announced by the ODA director, Dumitru Pîntea, during a press conference, notes Bani.md.

The programs will be implemented with the support of the Government and external development partners.


Also, during 2023, access to financing for SMEs will be increased through the launch of the Portfolio Guarantees product and the launch of the Fund for Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth of Moldova (FACEM). This Fund will represent a boost for businesses with growth potential, offering low-interest loans through financial institutions.

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In 2022, 1,375 enterprises were supported through various forms of support. Of these, 541 companies accessed non-refundable financing in the total amount of about 162 million lei, which maintained or created about 3,300 jobs. Financial guarantees worth 554 million lei were offered to 469 businesses, which supported loans of about 1 billion lei. At the same time, 86 other businesses were partially reimbursed for their expenses for participating in exhibitions, and 279 companies benefited from the support infrastructure of the 11 Business Incubators.