Organic Agriculture Study Visit: Moldovan Farmers Learn from Czech Republic

Farmers from the Republic of Moldova can participate in a study visit to the Czech Republic, which will take place from August 24th to 29th. This visit is organized for those who are interested in obtaining organic food products.

The beneficiaries of the study visit will be selected based on a questionnaire, which must be completed by the current date of August 11th.

All expenses related to the trip, including round-trip flight tickets, accommodation (excluding the first and last day), and meals, will be covered by the organizers.

The study visit is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, in collaboration with the Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic. Its purpose is to facilitate the transfer of experience from Czech farmers regarding the production and marketing of organic products.

According to MAIA, the beneficiaries will learn about modern promotion and marketing tools, understand the directions for developing foreign trade with their own organic products in the EU market, and receive training on the procedures for developing organic agriculture in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova.

Furthermore, the event provides a great opportunity to establish partnerships in the realm of trade and production with Czech farmers.


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