
President Maia Sandu Receives ‘Timișoara Award for European Values’

President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, was given the “Timișoara Award for European Values” prize. Timișoara Mayor Dominic Fritz stated that the distinction was granted in recognition of the efforts made by the head of state on the path toward the European Union.

“I don’t think there is anyone who would want to trade places with Maia Sandu. The economic, political, social, and security challenges seem overwhelming. Such a burden on one person’s shoulders. Today’s award expresses the hope that there is activating gratitude. Not everyone should or can bear Maia Sandu’s heavy struggle, but we can all defend the values for which she fights,” said Dominic Fritz, the Mayor of Timișoara.


The President mentioned that she is honored to receive this distinction, representing an appreciation for all citizens of the Republic of Moldova who defend their right to live in freedom, peace, and democracy. According to her, an award for European values is an opportunity to discuss the dangers of these values and how easily they can be lost.

“In the next period, half of the world’s population will participate in elections – there will be elections in Chisinau, in Bucharest, in Washington, the European Parliament will be elected. The fate of the world for the next decades depends on these elections, and I don’t think these are empty words. And it’s time to ask ourselves – both politicians and citizens – in what kind of world do we want to live? The theory ‘politics doesn’t affect me’ is wrong because how we live and how our children will live depends on the people we choose,” said Maia Sandu.

At the same time, the head of state stated that she received this award as a vote of confidence in the ability of the Republic of Moldova and its citizens to carry through the fight for freedom, necessary for the country’s future and the entire continent.

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