Record for Moldova! Exports increased by 50% in one year

In May this year, Moldovan exports amounted to 416 million dollars, which is an absolute record for the Republic of Moldova. In annual terms, exports reached $ 3.9 billion, 50% or $ 1.3 billion more than in the same period last year, when they were only $ 2.6 billion, negatively affected of COVID-19, writes the economic expert Veaceslav Ioniță, in an analysis.

According to the expert, the unprecedented increase in exports is explained by three basic factors.

“The increase in exports of agricultural production, which in 2021 recorded an unprecedented increase in the country’s history. This increase can be seen starting with October 2021 “, he states.

The second factor is the agricultural production on the left bank of the Dniester, which is exported as a production of the Republic of Moldova, according to

“This phenomenon has grown in recent years, due to the policy of securing the borders promoted by Ukraine,” says Veaceslav Ionita.

Re-export of Ukrainian production is the third factor, which has contributed to the record increase in Moldovan exports.

“With the beginning of the war in Ukraine, a considerable part of the goods began to be exported through Moldova. But certain insignificant quantities not only transit Moldova, but are imported, then re-exported “, he mentions.

According to the economic expert, in annual value, exports not only increased by 50% compared to the corresponding period last year, but recorded a record level for Moldova of 3.9 billion dollars.

Veaceslav Ionita warns that, “if Moldova does not hinder economic agents on the left bank of the Dniester, but will pursue an active policy of integrating them into the single national economic space, then our exports this year could easily reach 4.5 billion USD.”


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