Russia to attack the Republic of Moldova? Igor Grosu comments on the risk of invasion

The evolution of the situation on the front in Ukraine is difficult to predict, says the president of the Parliament from Chisinau. Igor Grosu praises the resistance of the Ukrainians and claims that military actions slow down in winter, commenting on the statement of the head of the SIS, Alexandru Musteață,

Grosu reiterated on Radio Moldova that how the events will unfold depends on the Ukrainians. The official pointed out that there are analyzes and exchanges of information, and the Republic of Moldova should not relax.

“Unfortunately, I see that the aggressor state Russian Federation is not calming down. With the passing of winter, military actions intensify. What will happen is hard to say for now. The statements that were made, were based on analysis. We share information with our partners. It is important for us not to relax, to be vigilant and to follow closely what is happening in Ukraine”, declared Igor Grosu.


On Monday, the media published the statements of the head of the Intelligence and Security Service, which stated that Russia would plan to attack Moldova in January-February or March-April. Later, the institution he leads gave clarifications to journalists, pointing out that these are scenarios, and the military will not reach the left of the Dniester, but “up to” the separatist region of the Republic of Moldova.

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