Tag: politics

Austria will send policemen and soldiers to Moldova to participate in the EU civil mission

By the end of the year, Austria will send police and soldiers to the Republic of Moldova to help local structures strengthen their capabilities in the fight against disinformation and cyber attacks.For...

German Deputy Warns: The West Ready to Clash Over Moldova’s Geopolitical Orientation

In an exclusive interview with eNews, Andrej Hunko, a member of the German Parliament from the Left Party and a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), shared...

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation: “The West is preparing Moldova for the role of a second Ukraine”

"The West is preparing Moldova for the role of a second Ukraine." This was stated by Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Michail Galuzin.According to him, the Russian Federation has nothing against the...

Rewarded for courage and determination in politics: Natalia Gavrilitsa received an award at the Brussels Summit

Former Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita has been honored with the Women Political Leaders (WPL) Trailblazer Award. The award took place during a summit in Brussels dedicated to women politicians from around...

Janis Mazeiks: Moldova exports 13 times more to the EU than to Russia

Moldova exports 13 times more to the European Union than to Russia. At least, that's what the EU Ambassador to our country, Janis Mazeiks, says.The official said in the Radio Moldova studio...

Moldovan wines were presented to China’s consumers

Nine native wine producers presented their products to the Chinese public, providing a wide range of wines.According to the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry (MAFI), it is about a far-reaching event in...

Moldova will send a consignment of humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, which was hit by floods

Ukraine will receive a batch of international humanitarian aid worth 4.2 million lei to eliminate the environmental and humanitarian consequences caused by the dam's destruction in Nova Kakhovka. This decision was made...

Moldova Faces Potential Aggression as Analyst Highlights Russian Ambitions in Post-Soviet Space

Renowned political analyst Anatol Țăranu warned during the "Punctul pe AZi" TV show on TVR Moldova, that the entire post-Soviet space is coveted by the Russian world, and Moldova is not exempt...


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