The Appetite for Moldovan Fruits is considerably growing in the EU

Sought after for their quality and exceptional taste, Moldovan fruits are increasingly in demand in the European Union market. This is reflected in the export figures for the first 10 months of the year, presented today by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA), as reported by MOLDPRES.

“If in 2021, approximately 75 tons of cherries were exported, in 2023 the figure reaches 2600 tons. Regarding apples, in 2021, around a thousand tons were delivered to the EU, while this year producers have exported about 11 thousand tons. At the same time, the export of plums has doubled on the EU market (from 27 thousand tons in 2021 to 55 thousand tons in 2023). A significant increase has also been recorded in the export of grapes, with vine growers managing to export around 25 thousand tons, compared to 17 thousand tons in 2021,” estimates MAIA.

The consolidation of the Republic of Moldova’s position on the European market is due to the EU’s decision to suspend duties and import quotas applicable to products exported from the Republic of Moldova to the European Union. “Thus, seven categories of products can be exported without restrictions – tomatoes, garlic, table grapes, apples, cherries, plums, and grape juice,” specifies the cited source.

“The success of fruit exports is also due to the efforts of farmers who have invested in modern technologies, adding value to our products,” summarizes the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.

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