The EU’s first reaction to the alarming events ongoing in Transnistria

Europeans do not divulge too much information about the situation on the left bank of the Dniester, but say they are watching it with concern. The statements were made by Eric Mamer, spokesman of the head of the European Commission. According to the official, the EU keeps both Ukraine and the neighboring territories under scrutiny, writes

“I do not have any concrete information that I can provide about the situation in Transnistria. Of course, we are following with great concern all developments related to military action in Ukraine and possible actions in the adjacent territories. From the very beginning, we call for an end to all acts of violence, “said the European Commission representative.

On Monday evening, April 25th, were fired grenade launchers in the so-called Ministry of Security in Tiraspol. Chisinau called the action a “challenge,” and Kiev said separatist authorities had known about it since Friday and accused Russia’s Federal Security Service of taking action.

Several misinformation were broadcast during the night, and on Tuesday morning it was only confirmed that antennas, built during the Soviet period in Grigoriopol, had been shot down. Transnistrians issued a 15-day anti-terrorism alert, canceled exams and passed students to study online. Local officials say Ukrainian citizens are to blame for the attacks.

Meanwhile, the Intelligence and Security Service announced that it is monitoring the situation in the separatist region. Maia Sandu convened the Supreme Security Council at noon and announced after the end of the meeting that the explosions on the left bank of the Dniester were provoked by pro-war forces inside the Transnistrian region and other relevant information that was discussed.

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