The Transnistrian issue, discussed by Chisinau and Moscow

Vice Premier for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrian, held a meeting today with the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE, Ambassador Alexandr Lukashevich, and with the Special Representative of the Russian Federation in the negotiation process on Transnistrian settlement, Ambassador Vitalii Treapitin.

During the meeting, Serebrian reiterated that the “5+2” negotiation format is in a prolonged impasse due to the war in Ukraine and that interaction between political representatives, sectoral working groups, and the Unified Control Commission should be maintained. He also expressed concerns that Tiraspol is overly politicizing most issues and is not contributing to resolving them in the interests of residents on both sides of the Nistru River and eliminating artificial barriers.

The need to avoid unnecessary tension and create a secure and predictable environment was also discussed. Serebrian stated that Tiraspol must accept constructive dialogue leading to the reintegration of the country, solving economic and social problems of citizens, and restoring the rule of law on the left bank of the Dniester River. He expressed hope that the Russian Federation will not limit the mandate of the OSCE Mission in Moldova and will continue to support a peaceful and final settlement formula for the Transnistrian conflict while respecting Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders.


“The Republic of Moldova advocates for the unconditional respect of the inviolability of borders, enshrined in the Helsinki Final Act. There can be no other sustainable and legal solutions to conflicts in Europe today. Unconditional respect for internationally recognized borders, peaceful settlement of disputes between states, and respect for the rights of ethnic, linguistic, and confessional minorities in full accordance with the standards of the Council of Europe and the OSCE – these are the principles we must follow. Peace and stability in Europe cannot be restored and maintained without adhering to these principles,” said Vice Premier Serebrian.

The Moldovan government’s press release stressed the importance of dialogue and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. The country hopes that this meeting will be the start of a constructive and peaceful approach to the Transnistrian issue, leading to long-lasting stability and prosperity for all residents in the region.

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