Ukraine and Moldova signed an agreement on the construction of a bridge across the Dniester

Ukraine and Moldova signed a bilateral agreement on the construction of a bridge across the Dniester Cosauti-Yampol on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border. The opening of the bridge is scheduled for 2025.

The agreement was signed in Kyiv by the Minister of Infrastructure of Moldova – Lilia Dabizha, and her Ukrainian counterpart Alexander Kubrakov.

“The construction of the border road bridge will connect the road infrastructure between the two countries along the route T-02-02 “Mogilev-Podolsky-Yampol-Kryzhopol-Bershad-Uman” (Ukraine) and the national road P14.1 P14-Koseuts – the border with Ukraine. The road network through the eastern part of Moldova will also be connected to the international road network. It will facilitate trade in the domestic and international markets,” the Ministry of Infrastructure reports.

The government of Ukraine will finance the technical design of the bridge, including its construction, as well as the construction of relevant infrastructure on its territory and the government of Moldova on its own.

The bridge, over 1,400 meters long, will have two traffic lanes and two pedestrian sidewalks on both sides. Warning tactile stripes are provided for the orientation of visually impaired persons.

“The bridge will become a key link in the transport corridor between Kyiv and Chisinau. In addition, thanks to the bridge, Ukrainian exporters will get the shortest route from the center of Ukraine to the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe, bypassing Pridnestrovie. The bridge will become an alternative to the ferry crossing at the Yampol-Koseuts border crossing, which has not been operating for several years and has not met the requirements of the time and the real needs of the inhabitants of both states for a long time,” Kubrakov said.

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