World Economic Forum Totalization: Maia Sandu’s visit to Davos

Maia Sandu participated, between January 17-19, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. This year’s event was about security in Europe, in the context of the war in Ukraine, and the head of state spoke to world leaders about how our country is affected by events in our neighbors.

On the first day in Davos, the Moldovan president participated in a discussion about the effects of the war in Ukraine on European states and about solutions for strengthening the resilience of countries in the region. Sandu declared that one of these consequences is the energy crisis, which Moldova is fixing, including by reducing dependence on Russian gas. Moreover, according to her, there are other problems amplified by the war.

“Propaganda and disinformation are big problems in our country, but I think they are a problem for many countries and we need to learn together how to be more effective in countering them,” Maia Sandu said.


On the second day of the Forum, the president participated in an event organized by the House of Ukraine in Davos. It discussed how Ukraine can be supported and rebuilt through investments, both in times of war, but also when peace will peace be restored. Maia Sandu urged “the whole democratic world” to support Ukraine to win and talked about joint projects in the energy and road infrastructure field, which may be of interest to investors. On the same day, during a discussion panel, the head of the Republic of Moldova gave her appreciation to Europe for its solidarity.

In Davos, the president greeted several world leaders. During the two days of the Forum, Maia Sandu met the Swiss President, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, the German Chancellor, heads of the EBRD and EIB, the President of the European Commission, the Dutch Prime Minister, and the French Minister for Europe.

Our president added that the Republic of Moldova also needs external financial aid this year that is at least at the level of 2022, i.e. at least 600 million euros, in order to protect the population from inflation.

“We asked for surveillance and air defense systems. We understand that Ukraine is a priority and must receive them, but we hope to receive something too”, said Maia Sandu.

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