Daily Archives: Jun 18, 2024

(VIDEO) The President of Italy highlights how Moldovans living in the country are perceived.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella, on a visit to Chisinau, told a conference on Tuesday, June 18, that Moldovans living in Italy are highly appreciated, including for their contribution to the country's economic...

The scandal with the supplier who refused to reduce gas tariffs! ANRE comes with clarifications

The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) responded to the accusations by SRL "Rotalin Gaz Trading," clarifying the main aspects in an official statement. Licensed for the distribution and supply of natural...

(VIDEO) Pre-vetting of ministers! Voda: There’s no shame in being rich in this country if you’ve earned your money honestly

Daniel Voda, the government spokesman, said members of the Recean cabinet have integrity and can justify all their income during a discussion about the Pre-Vetting process."This government team is doing its work...

The conditions of the auction for commercial spaces changed?! Airport: Technical translation error

Chisinau International Airport is in the middle of a controversy related to the tender for the commercial premises after Vlad Biletschi asked the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and the National Anti-Corruption Center to...

(VIDEO) Italy supports Moldova’s accession to the EU: a Declaration of support signed in Chisinau

Italy supports Moldova's accession to the European Union. The assurance came from the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who is currently on a working visit to Chisinau. Moldova and Italy...

Alarm signal! Exports to Romania down 15%

Exports of goods from the Republic of Moldova to Romania decreased significantly, falling by 15% in January-April 2024 compared to the same period of the previous year, data from the National Bureau...

Due to doping: Moldovan equestrian athlete will not go to the Olympics

Due to doping, Moldovan equestrian athlete Alisa Glinka will not compete in the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.Officials disqualified her after a positive anti-doping sample. Glinka was preparing to become the first...

Poland announces its support for Moldova’s European integration process

Poland will support accelerating Moldova's accession to the European Union. After meeting with Polish Foreign Affairs Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi announced it.Deputy PM...


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