PM Recean Highlights Investment Opportunities at Romanian-German Business Forum in Berlin


The Republic of Moldova is a destination of opportunities for foreign investors, and the government continues to promote policies and reforms aimed at economic growth and support for businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean spoke about the opportunities offered by our country to foreign investors at the opening of the Romanian-German Business Forum held in Berlin.

The head of the government emphasized the importance of cooperation and maintaining strong relations between the Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Germany to develop new businesses in sectors with high added value. “Moldova is progressing towards EU accession. The European market is open to our country, and we have recently concluded a free trade agreement with the EFTA countries. New investments in infrastructure and subsidies based on required competencies are a clear invitation to the foreign business environment,” said Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

According to the Prime Minister, the Republic of Moldova offers numerous logistical advantages and growth and expansion potential. Those who launch a business in our country also benefit from a skilled workforce, predictability, and openness from the authorities, as well as digitized services and infrastructure, including Free Economic Zones and an IT Park. Another advantage is the possibility of establishing lasting partnerships in areas such as renewable energy, agricultural industrialization, and road and rail infrastructure.


“I encourage you to explore the investment opportunities portfolio in the Republic of Moldova, and I assure you that the government is a reliable partner in developing the business you launch in our country,” Prime Minister Dorin Recean stated.

Regarding investment opportunities in key sectors of the national economy and the revitalization of trade relations between the Republic of Moldova and Germany, Prime Minister Dorin Recean also discussed with members of the German Business Association for Eastern Europe during his visit to Berlin.

It is worth noting that the portfolio of German investments in the national economy was recently expanded with the opening of a production unit in the south of the country by the company Erich Jaeger. According to authorities, a total of 411 Moldo-German enterprises are currently operating in our country.