We are pleased to announce that Moldova is joining the rest of the world in celebrating Earth Day by EU standards


Earth Day is on 22 April every year. It started in the USA when people started talking more about the environment. In Moldova, it has been marked since 1990.

“By celebrating Earth Day, we are reminded that the planet and its ecosystems provide the conditions for the maintenance of life. Every day is an occasion to celebrate the earth. Every day is a memory of our vulnerability and solidarity,” the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova said.

According to the Environment Agency, the high dependence on the agri-food sector requires the reduction of the ecological footprint of economic and human activity and the efficient management of national natural resources. However, the actions carried out on this occasion include sanitation activities, planting, landscaping, ecological classes held in schools in the country, information activities, competitions, etc.

Environmentalists say that to help protect the environment, industries and businesses need to adopt resource-efficient production and share responsibility for disposing of toxic waste and pollutants; make every citizen aware of the responsibility for the consumption of economic goods and natural resources and reduce waste generation; all actors to collaborate in the production-consumption chain through which it can save, conserve natural resources and reduce the ecological damage caused by economic growth, etc.

“Be active supporters of afforestation and greening of territories; report any environmental issues when you encounter them and do not leave with the idea that no one will solve them anyway; try to be an example to the people around you and to behave appropriately when you go out into the wild,” urges the Environment Agency.


In 1970, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson established Earth Day, to prompt the political class to prioritize environmental concerns. The inaugural celebration, which was attended by approximately 20 million Americans, predominantly comprised young individuals. Two decades later, in 1990, more than 200 million people in 141 countries participated in Earth Day, which had become a significant event in human history. This participation reflected a desire to advocate for a better future for our planet. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 as the official holiday of planet Earth and a common expression of everyone’s desire to build a stable, sustainable society for a cleaner and greener future.