(VIDEO) Head of Interpol office in Moldova in the court. He will be under arrest for 30 days


The head of the Interpol office Viorel Tsentiu will be under arrest for 30 days. The Chisinau court, Checani sector, decided it. Tsentiu’s lawyer told TV8 about it and added that he would appeal this decision in the Appeal Chamber.

“We will use the right of appeal provided by the criminal process,” the lawyer of the Interpol head in Chisinau said.

He also said that Tsentiu pleaded not guilty in the court.


The head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, Veronica Dragalin, refused to provide journalists with further investigation details. She specified that this could endanger the course of the investigation.

“We will publish a press release and tell more about what is known. The investigation is ongoing. Some people have not yet been found and detained,” Veronica Dragalin stated.

On the morning of June 4, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office conducted 33 searches. As a result of the searches, prosecutors detained four people.

On June 4, Veronica Dragalin said during a briefing that “officials from Moldova and other countries prevented Interpol from publishing ‘red notices’ for criminals internationally wanted from different countries.”