Spectacular increase of air traffic in Chisinau! More than 40% more people flew than last year

Air traffic at the Chisinau International Airport reached 2.131 million passengers in the first seven months of 2024, an increase of 42% compared to the same period of the previous year, according to data provided by the airport.

July was particularly busy, with 485,070 passengers embarking and disembarking. Final projections exceeded initial forecasts, realizing 138.6%. Compared to July 2023, passenger traffic increased by 52.4%, or an additional 166,742 passengers. The number of aircraft movements reached 3,638 landings and take-offs, bani.md reports.

Chisinau International Airport recorded the highest passenger flow increases in July 2024 on the following destinations:

  • Chisinau – Antalya: 26,212 passengers
  • Chisinau – London: 19.969 passengers
  • Chisinau – Istanbul: 11.870 passengers
  • Chisinau – Tel-Aviv: 8.675 passengers
  • Chisinau – Milan: 9.299 passengers
  • Chisinau – Rome: 7.757 passengers
  • Chisinau – Frankfurt: 6.801 passengers
  • Chisinau – Heraklion: 4.842 passengers


In July 2024, 31,745 passengers traveled to new destinations, representing 6.54% of the total passenger flow. These destinations are:

  • Chisinau – Budapest: 3,883 passengers
  • Chisinau – Istanbul/Sabiha: 8.536 passengers
  • Chisinau – Athens: 2.910 passengers
  • Chisinau – Enfidha: 3.169 passengers
  • Chisinau – Riga: 3.775 passengers
  • Chisinau – Stuttgart: 2.088 passengers
  • Chisinau – Cologne: 2.698 passengers
  • Chisinau – Prague: 2.309 passengers
  • Chisinau – Dubai: 958 passengers

In July 2024, Chisinau International Airport transported approximately 232.8 tons of freight, an increase of 16.9% compared to the same month of the previous year.

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