A Sustainable Economic Impulse: How the €5 million loan can impact Moldova

At a crucial time for Moldova’s economy, the Government of Poland and the European Union will provide considerable financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises in Moldova. A €5 million loan agreement was signed on 19 December, paving the way for several significant benefits.

In a series of answers to questions from the Realitatea press group team, the signing officials explained the significant benefits of the deal.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitisation Dumitru Alaiba stressed the importance of removing bureaucratic barriers and highlighted the role of digitization in increasing productivity. This loan is not just a financial boost. It is an opportunity for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to access loans at advantageous fixed interest rates, supporting investment projects that will generate jobs and contribute to Moldova’s economic development.

Dumitru Pantea, Director of the Organisation for the Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA), explained in detail the practical benefits of the loan. The 7% fixed-interest loans in lei, with terms of up to 10 years, will give entrepreneurs predictability and confidence in implementing their projects. This means not only financial support but also boosting production capacities and thus creating new jobs. This project is about building a sustainable economy and helping to reduce CO2 emissions in line with EU standards.


The Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Janis Mazeiks, underlined the considerable support given to small and medium-sized enterprises through a grant of €1 million. This is not just a financial injection; it is a clear signal of the European Union’s commitment to supporting sustainable development and creating new job opportunities in Moldova.

Polish Ambassador to Moldova Tomasz Kobzdej added that this project is not only about money. It is about knowledge and technical assistance. The European Union and the Polish Development Bank are not only providing funding. It supports entrepreneurs and agencies, catalyzing change in the Moldovan economy.

Pawel Chorazy, Executive Director for EU Funds at Banca Gospodar Craiova, underlined the non-commercial nature of the bank and its mission to support sustainable development. This loan is not just a financial resource. It is a chance for small and medium-sized enterprises to grow, develop, and contribute to strengthening Moldova’s position in the European Union.

In conclusion, this loan agreement is not just a financial arrangement. It is a platform for Moldova’s economic transformation. With favorable terms and sustainable support, this loan offers new development opportunities for Moldovan entrepreneurs and marks a decisive step towards a stronger economy.

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