Aliona Miron – the first sitting judge of the SCJ which passed pre-Vetting. Commission report approved by the SCM

Aliona Miron, interim President of the Supreme Court of Justice, is the first sitting judge of the SCJ to have promoted the external evaluation of ethical and financial integrity and has been accepted by the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM).

The members of the SCM, during the meeting on Tuesday, February 13, approved the Report of the External Evaluation Commission (Vetting Commission), which states that magistrate Aliona Miron meets the criteria of ethical and financial integrity identified in Law no. 65/2023.

Aliona Miron has been a judge of the SCJ since September 2020.


The Commission for the Evaluation of Candidates for the position of Supreme Court Judge was created by Law No. 65 of 30.03.2023 on the external evaluation of judges and candidates for the position of Supreme Court judge (SCJ). All six members of the SCJ Evaluation Commission were elected by the Parliament on 15 June 2023 with the vote of 3/5 of the elected deputies.

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