Ana Revenco: The authors of the false bomb alerts are from the Russian Federation

Bomb alerts in our country are made from IPs abroad, mostly from the Russian Federation. The statement was made by the Minister of Internal Affairs (MAI), Ana Revenco, during the show Rezoomat with Ileana Pîrgaru from RLIVE TV.

“The investigations carried out led to the conclusion that shows us very clearly that these alerts were made from IP addresses abroad, mostly they came to IPs from the Russian Federation. We operated with the levers that are made available to us, respectively, the appropriate requests were made and we have no answer”, declared Revenco.

According to the minister, the bomb alerts are part of the elements of a hybrid war, to show a false perception that “state institutions do not know how to do their job”.


“They are elements of the same hybrid war. They appear exactly at the moment when there are preparations or ongoing public actions, so-called protests, roadblocks, and provocative actions in relation to law enforcement agencies. Their purpose is clear to everyone. It is an intervention in the smooth running of economic life. Their aim is to take the functionality of institutions out of normal life, to make financial losses, to drain money from the budget, to focus attention from the development agenda, and to keep all institutions and citizens in the crisis agenda”, added the head of the MAI.

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