Castel Mimi: 130 Years of Excellence, Resilience, and Innovation


Business Review had the privilege of sitting down with Adrian Trofim, co-owner of Castel Mimi, to celebrate the remarkable 130th anniversary of this iconic Moldovan winery. Castel Mimi is not just a name; it’s synonymous with excellence in Moldovan wines and serves as a symbol of resilience, innovation, and international recognition. In this exclusive interview, we explore the fascinating journey of Castel Mimi, its rich history, the challenges it has surmounted, and its unyielding commitment to producing world-class wines.

A Family United in Vision

Before delving into Castel Mimi’s history and achievements, Adrian Trofim emphasizes the family’s role in managing the business. He underscores that Castel Mimi is a true family enterprise, where each member plays a vital role. Adrian acknowledges that although some family members may be more visible in the public eye, their father, Iurie Trofim, is the driving force behind the business. He laid the foundation for their success, starting his involvement in the winery as a child. After earning a law degree, he joined the winery and eventually took over as administrator when it faced severe financial difficulties.

In 1998, the winery was burdened with a $5 million debt, and the employees had not received their salaries for six months. To rescue the winery, Iurie Trofim orchestrated a remarkable feat—he bought out the shares of the 1,500 village residents who were shareholders, effectively gaining majority control. This required taking out a high-interest bank loan, a daring move that marked the beginning of their transformation journey.

Overcoming Adversity and Embracing Innovation

The journey to success was far from smooth. The primary goal at the time was to export wine to Russia, but the 2006 embargo disrupted their plans. Despite challenges faced by many wineries, Castel Mimi adapted by distilling their wine and selling the distillate at a profit. This unconventional approach allowed them to invest in state-of-the-art equipment, becoming pioneers in importing equipment from France for high-quality wine production.


In 2013, a second embargo hit just before the grape harvesting season, further testing their resilience. Castel Mimi responded by purchasing grapes from local growers, processing tens of thousands of tonnes, and collaborating with three wineries to meet the demand. All profits were reinvested into modernizing the winery, leading to the largest renovation project in the country.

Discovering Hidden Treasures

The Trofim family’s commitment to restoring the winery didn’t stop at production facilities. They stumbled upon a hidden gem—the historic Castel Mimi itself. While a Chinese partner’s interest initially sparked curiosity, deeper exploration revealed its historical and architectural significance. Research unveiled that the castle had once belonged to Boyar Constantin Mimi, the last governor of Basarabia and a key figure in Moldovan winemaking history.

Determined to preserve this treasure, the family invested their wine sale earnings into its meticulous reconstruction, ultimately becoming a symbol of Moldova’s rich heritage.

A Focus on Excellence and the Future

Adrian Trofim emphasizes that their goal isn’t just financial prosperity. Winemaking is a complex and long-term endeavor where quality takes precedence over quantity. Castel Mimi proudly represents Moldova in the world of tourism, thanks to accolades like the Wine Travel Awards. Additionally, VinOpera, its classical music festival, and other cultural events reflect their commitment to enhancing the wine experience.

Castel Mimi’s reputation was further elevated when it hosted the European Political Council Summit. While they received government support for specific services, the summit expenses were largely self-financed, showcasing Moldova’s potential on the global stage.

Global Expansion and Sustainability

Castel Mimi’s wines are now available in 20 countries worldwide, with Romania, Sweden, and Japan being key markets. Their aim is to expand into markets that value quality over quantity, such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States.

Beyond wine, Castel Mimi is heavily invested in sustainability. They’ve adopted renewable energy sources, like solar power, to ensure their operations are environmentally responsible.

A Look Ahead

As Castel Mimi celebrates its 130th anniversary, they’re poised to unveil “Negru de Bulboaca,” a limited-edition wine representing an unprecedented level of dedication. Adrian Trofim remains forward-focused, with ongoing projects in various domains to strengthen their brand and uphold Moldova’s reputation in the world of winemaking.

In conclusion, Castel Mimi’s journey is a testament to the spirit of resilience, innovation, and dedication that defines Moldova’s winemaking industry. As they continue to write their story, the Trofim family’s unwavering commitment to quality and heritage shines as brightly as ever.