
Compulsory listing of local agricultural and food products, subject to public consultation

The legislative initiative regarding the mandatory listing of agricultural and food products on the shelf was submitted to public debates today, July 25, with the participation of deputies, ministers and representatives of other central public authorities, of the business environment – producers and trade networks and professional associations.

The project aims to expand the access of small producers to the placement of production in commercial networks and to protect them from abusive clauses. More specifically, the proposed changes facilitate negotiations between suppliers of agricultural and food products (producers, processors) and buyers (stores) who offer these products to the final consumer. In particular, the mandatory listing of agricultural and food products on the shelf is proposed. In the opinion of the authors, the listing will open the access of small producers to the big commercial chains, as well as give them more flexibility, predictability and opportunities for development.

The opinions and proposals on the project, launched during public consultations, will be examined and taken into account when formulating the Commission’s decision.

The legislative initiative regarding the prohibition of unfair commercial practices was submitted by the Government and aims to align national legislation with European and international standards.

The project will be put to the vote in the second reading, during the plenary session of the Parliament.


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