Oleg Serebrian discussed with the Secretary of State for European Affairs of Croatia the current status of negotiations regarding the reintegration of Moldova

European agenda, Chisinau’s priorities in dialogue with the European Union, and the regional security situation, including in the context of the security generated by the war in Ukraine, were the topics discussed by Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Serebrian in the meeting with the Secretary of State for European Affairs of Croatia, Andreja Metelko-Zgombić, who is on a visit to Chisinau.

The Deputy Prime Minister referred to the current status of negotiations regarding the country’s reintegration, the recent visit to Chisinau and Tiraspol by the EU Special Representative, Dorota Dlouchy-Suliga, in the negotiations on the Transnistrian settlement, and the expectations of the Moldovan side from the OSCE Ministerial Conference (Skopje, November 30 – December 1).


During the discussion, the example of Eastern Slavonia, a former separatist region in Croatia, reintegrated peacefully after a three-year period of international transitional administration (1995-1998), was also mentioned.

The Croatian Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Marija Kapitanović, was also present at the meeting on behalf of Croatia.

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