Princess Margareta of Romania, to visit the Republic of Moldova

Her Majesty Margareta, the Custodian of the Crown, is paying a visit to Chisinau on Friday, together with His Royal Highness Prince Consort Radu.

The visit follows a phone call with Maia Sandu, the president of the Republic of Moldova, at the end of June. The assistance that the Romanian Crown has provided to the Republic of Moldova’s efforts to join the European Union since 2013 as well as the historical ties between the Royal House and the sister nation were brought up during the subsequent conversation.

Additionally, the Custodian of the Crown and the President of the Republic of Moldova talked about practical methods to keep up the royal family’s support for the nation’s EU entrance.

Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Consort Radu will meet with Maia Sandu, the president of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Grosu, the president of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, and Colonel Iurie Girnet, the rector (commander) of the “Alexandru cel Bun” Armed Forces Academy, during their visit to Chisinau on Friday.


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