
Russia would not let go: Gazprom Rejects Validity of Audit Report’s Conclusions

The audit report on the alleged debt from ‘Moldovagaz’ to Gazprom in the amount of 709 million dollars ‘cannot be considered a proper final document of an independent and trustworthy financial audit,’ and the conclusions in the report ‘cannot in any way affect the magnitude and validity of this debt.’ This is the reaction of the Russian concern Gazprom to the audit result, which states that Moldova only needs to pay the sum of 8.6 million dollars.

The Russian concern recalls the meeting held on November 2nd, where the Supervisory Board of Moldovagaz (where the majority belongs to Gazprom) rejected the audit report.

“In this regard, the report cannot be considered a proper final document of an independent and trustworthy financial audit of Moldovagaz’s debt to Gazprom Group companies, as stipulated in the agreements between Gazprom and the Government of the Republic of Moldova. The conclusions in the report cannot in any way affect the magnitude and validity of this debt,” Gazprom’s reaction states.


It is worth mentioning that in September, the Minister of Energy, Victor Parlicov, proposed that Moldova pay Gazprom the 8.6 million dollars, and the debt issue be closed.

Victor Parlicov specified that initially, the debt was around 756 million dollars, but since part of the debt was paid at the end of March 2022, the debt amount was reduced to approximately 709 million dollars, which means about 1000 dollars per family of consumers.

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