Russian oligarchs are also on the list: SSA registered about 30 attempts to obtain Moldovan citizenship by fraudulent means

From 2022 to 2023, about 30 attempts to obtain Moldovan citizenship by fraudulent means were registered, including by two Russian tycoons. This was reported by the director of the State Services Agency (Public Services Agency), Mircea Esanu.

According to him, this happened with the assistance of former or even current employees of the SSA, familiar with the procedure. As a rule, as Esanu explained, a candidate for citizenship is a person who was born before the Second World War, in 1935-37, and died at the age of 2-3 years. He claims to be the daughter or grandchild of someone born, for example, in 1937, in a some village, and that they migrated or were deported.

“In his package of documents, he does not present a death certificate of a person born before World War II, only a birth certificate, and claims to be his descendant. Some of the documents brought from Russia turned out to be fake. In all cases, we send copies with requests to the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and all states from which we receive notarized documents. For some time, we did not receive any answers from the Russian Federation, but for a year now, they have been responding to messages, providing information on whether they issued such an act or not”, – said the head of the SSA.


Esanu added that several highly interesting cases have been registered when Russian multimillionaire tycoons wished to obtain Moldovan citizenship.

“I cannot name names now because there are some special measures, and we are working with our colleagues from the NACC because we cannot establish where these documents were filed and by whom they were issued. We know for sure that this is a fraud. We already denied them citizenship, but we want to ensure that people who facilitated or were complicit in these crimes are in the dock,” he said.

The SSA director said that he is personally familiar with the case of two multimillionaire migrants from Russia and Uzbekistan who wanted to obtain Moldovan citizenship fraudulently.

After the investigation is completed, these cases will be made public.

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