Tag: Russia

The Ministry of Agriculture is looking for solutions to the Russian embargo

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Chisinau, Oleg Vasnetsov, had a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry together with officials from ANSA and the Ministry...

Moldova-Russia relationship, negatively affected by the war

The evolution of the security situation in the region is unpredictable, in the context of the war waged by Russia in Ukraine. The statement belongs to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicu...

Russia to restrict Moldovan imports?

Rosselkhoznadzor proposes the introduction of temporary restrictions on the import of Moldovan products on the grounds that "quarantine objects were detected in plant products from Moldova"."Rosselkhoznadzor expresses its concern about the...

Transnistria’s intention to join Russia, unexpected for Serebrian

Transnistria's intention to join Russia was unexpected for the constitutional authorities, says Oleg Serebrian in an interview for The Times. The official believes that it could be the "prelude" to a possible...

Moldova at the UN forum: The regional situation generates deep concerns

The State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAEIE), Ruslan Bolbocean, expressed his concern about the deterioration of regional security. The main cause is the aggression of the Russian Federation against...

Andrei Spînu, confident that we’ll have gas in the winter

We will not freeze in the winter, but we will have to save, says Andrei Spînu. The authorities do not rule out that we could run out of Russian gas 100%, but...

PM Gravrilita “extremely concerned” about Russia’s upcoming action

According to Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita, if military operations advance in the direction of Odessa, the authorities will have even more cause for concern as they approach the Transnistrian region, where Russian...

Ignatiev’s statements on Transnistria’s accession to Russia: The reaction of the Reintegration Policy Bureau

"The reintegration of the country and the reconstitution of the unique national spaces between the two banks of the Dniester is the primary objective of the negotiations on the Transnistrian settlement," the...


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