The German Ambassador to Moldova met with Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popsoi. What was discussed

The Foreign Minister, Mihai Popsoi, met with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Moldova, Magret Ueber.

The officials acknowledged the strong Moldovan-German relations, as evidenced by the ongoing successful political and diplomatic dialogue and cooperation in areas of mutual interest. Discussions centred on the current state and prospects of bilateral relations, emphasising the mutual interest in expanding economic cooperation between our respective countries.

Following the discussions, Minister Popsoi expressed gratitude to the interlocutor for Germany’s support in managing the economic and political challenges during Moldova’s accession process to the European Union. Both parties also expressed their support for shared goals and initiatives in strategic areas.


His Excellency Magret Ueber confirmed Germany’s support for the implementation of reforms that will help advance Moldova’s European course.

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