The issues in the field of social services, debated on Europe Day. Minister of Labor: We are preparing a reform

The issues in the field of social services are being debated on Europe Day in the European City. Participants reviewed several EU-funded projects, stating that in the process of aligning with EU standards, we need to create a society in which all people have equal opportunities.

The event was attended by representatives of several organizations that deal with the protection of vulnerable people, but also local officials and European institutions. These are the European Union Delegation to Moldova, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Keystone Moldova, CasMed, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Moldova, Institutum Virtutes Civilis, Soros Moldova and Ave Copiii.

“We started working on a unique database of social services, which should also be a tool for the management of social services. Our social canteens do not have an information system to manage their beneficiaries. Placement centers do not have it. In order to have a vision, we need this information system, so that all services can communicate with each other. (…) I’m talking technical stuff. As Minister, that is what I have to do. The technical problems are the financing and the standardization “, declared the minister Marcel Spătari, specifying that the authorities are preparing a reform regarding the social services.

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We specify that the debate takes place during Europe Day, held in the Grand National Assembly Square. The event includes several cultural and informative activities, and the evening will culminate with a concert and live broadcast of the Eurovision 2022 final, which is also attended by representatives of Moldova – Zdob and Zdub and the Advahov brothers.

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