The value of wine exports increased by more than 40% year-on-year

In August this year, the value of wine exports registered a significant increase, estimated at 105 million dollars (+40% compared to the same period last year and 27% higher than the average for the past ten years).

Such data were presented by the National Bureau of Grape and Wine at the VII National Conference of the Viticulture sector “Grape Harvest 2023: Features and value enhancement”.


“Over the last ten years, the wine sector of the Republic of Moldova has revolutionized, reaching the highest level of development. A lot of work has been done, for which I congratulate you. Now, we are going to continue all these processes. The main directions of action are strengthing ties between winegrowers and winemakers, increasing the yield and quality of grapes, and stimulating advertising and marketing activities. This is extremely important, as we are in tough competition at the regional and global level with all wine-producing countries,” Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vladimir Bolya said at the event.

This year, increased subsidies are allocated from the state budget to support winegrowers and winemakers. Also, information sessions on the mandatory registration of wine plots in the Wine Registry, necessary to ensure clarity of the technological process and traceability of products, were held in the country’s districts.

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