(VIDEO) All necessary documents are in your phone. The Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization launched the EVO app


The Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization launched the EVO app on Thursday, June 6. Thus, all necessary documents will be in your phone. The launch took place during the Moldova Digital Summit 2024 event.

“After months of work, integration, and testing, we offer EVO to everyone. EVO is more than just an app. It integrates and embeds the best and most important public services we have. All in one place – in your phone. In EVO, you can find everything about you – fines, vehicles, real estate, border crossings, and insurance status. It is just the beginning. EVO is only version 1. More enhancements will follow because digital transformation is a process, not a destination. Access to EVO is simple and free. All you need is an electronic signature. By visiting evo.gov.md or following the social media pages, everyone can download the app for Android or iOS,” announced Minister of Economic Development and Digitisation Dumitru Alaiba.

Payments for public services are also available with EVO. The app is integrated with the MPay service. It allows direct payment for services available in MPay using a card, Google, or Apple Pay, as well as functionalities such as attaching cards for later use, viewing payment history, and managing accounts for receiving state payments (salary or allowances).