Chișinău’s Unprecedented Education Investment: Over 700% Growth in 4 Years


The Chișinău City Hall has made substantial investments in the field of education in recent years, stated Angela Cusasevici, a candidate for the councilor position representing the National Alternative Movement Party.

“Education is an exceptionally important area for the development of a community and society,” Cusasevici said.

In the 2022 school year, an allocation of 510 million lei was made for school infrastructure, marking a growth of over 700% compared to 2019.

In this context, 15 new preschool educational institutions were inaugurated, and 135 new groups were opened in kindergartens, resulting in the creation of 4,000 new spots. Furthermore, 288 educational institutions underwent current or capital repairs.

Additionally, over 36 million lei were allocated for the energy efficiency enhancement of 27 educational institutions, and over 135 million lei were invested through the “Energy Efficiency” Project for the rehabilitation of 18 institutions.

Schools were equipped with 11,130 computer units, and 1,329 groups were furnished according to the Minimum Standards for Early Education Institutions. Also, 45 million lei were earmarked for furnishing study cabinets with educational materials.

Another 107 million lei were allocated for the organization of extended programs, and 256 million lei for the setup of arts and sports profile classes.

Furthermore, a series of actions were taken to motivate the staff, including the provision of a monthly rental allowance of 2,000 lei for 500 teaching professionals.

According to Angela Cusasevici, investments in education are essential for the city and the country’s development. “Education is an investment in our future,” she stated.