Dragalin has announced that the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office is experiencing an institutional deadlock

Veronica Dragalin, head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA), announced on Facebook that legislative changes will leave the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office without operational assurance for cases under its jurisdiction from 1 April 2024. Our institution lacks the necessary human and material resources to ensure visual tracking, interception, and control of money, as well as other special investigative measures for corruption offences committed by high-level officials such as ministers, deputies, judges, and prosecutors.

“Currently, the main obstacle is the insufficient space for the approximately 100 employees (officers, specialists, accountants, and civil servants responsible for the administration of the institution) of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office who need to be transferred or hired. Currently, 100 people occupy 950 m2 in the NAC building. Additional space is required to meet the legal requirement of 198 employees.

If heads of state institutions refuse to allow public spaces to be used for public interest, corruption may result in the absence of students, teachers, and academics in our country. It is crucial to urgently strengthen the institution responsible for combating high-level corruption to send the message that the fight against corruption, justice, and the rule of law is a priority for our country. The citizens of our country deserve better,” writes the head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.


“The government recognises the significance of providing sufficient resources to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office in its fight against corruption at the highest levels. As with all public institutions, we acknowledge the importance of providing appropriate facilities and adequate resources to enable the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office to effectively fulfil its crucial mandate. For our part, we are open to continuing institutional communication with the AP to identify mutually acceptable options,” the government spokesman, Daniel Voda, stated.

Previously, there were rumours that the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office could occupy the premises of either the Academy of Sciences or the Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga.” However, the scientific and academic community opposed this co-location.

Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru has identified a backup solution, which involves repairing an elevated block on the inside and equipping it with all necessary facilities. The General Prosecutor’s Office had previously considered this building as a possible location for specialised prosecutors’ offices.

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