Mihai Popsoi, in Berlin: “The Republic of Moldova should legalise its status as a European country”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mihai Popsoi, met with the head of German diplomacy, Annalena Baerbock. During the meeting, the officials discussed the current state of bilateral relations and explored ways to enhance them. They exchanged views on the priorities of their respective governments.

Minister Popsoi highlighted Moldova’s progress towards European integration and expressed gratitude towards Germany for its constant support. The minister reiterated the country’s commitment to implementing the European Commission’s recommendations. Germany’s support for the country’s European course was reconfirmed by Minister Baerbock.

“Efforts are being made to support the Republic of Moldova in legalizing its status as a European country. This includes sustained reforms in the areas of justice, anti-corruption measures, human rights promotion, and women’s involvement in politics. Our country aspires to become a member state of the European Union, as it guarantees peace, tranquillity, and prosperity. This aspiration is widely recognized by citizens, regardless of their language or place of residence,” said Mihai Popsoi.

During the meeting, the ministers discussed the preparation of the Ministerial Conference of the Partnership Platform for Moldova, scheduled for this autumn in Chisinau.

“Germany is co-chairing the Platform with Romania and France. The conference aims to facilitate new collaborative initiatives, strengthen bilateral relations, and support the economic development and European integration of the Republic of Moldova,” Minister Popsoi added.

Meanwhile, the head of diplomacy in Chisinau emphasised the significance of German investments in the Republic of Moldova, which greatly enhance the quality of life for our citizens. We aim to increase these investments to create more job opportunities.


“The launch of Eurowings flights from Chisinau to Cologne and Stuttgart in May, as well as the resumption of the Chisinau-Frankfurt route by Lufthansa, were welcomed as important steps in strengthening cultural and economic connections between our countries. I expressed gratitude to Minister Baerbock for her hospitality and extended an invitation to visit Moldova. This invitation confirms our intention to enhance and intensify positive relations between our countries,” the Moldovan official concluded.

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