Moldova marks State Flag Day

State Flag was honored today in a solemn ceremony organized in front of the government. Attending the event were President Maia Sandu, Speaker Igor Grosu, and Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

Moldova’s state flag is a major official symbol of the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova.

“We honor the Tricolor, the symbol with which we acquired our independence, freedom, and sovereignty. It was the symbol of our national liberation movement. It brought us together three decades ago. Today, under this flag, the fame of our country is carried around the world. In 2023 we can carry the flag proudly and unhindered whenever and wherever we are. The flag is a reminder of unity. Moldova is sovereign, independent, and indivisible. Regardless of the political color, now, more than ever, we must be united under the colors of the Tricolor,” Sandu said.

State Flag Day was set up by Chisinau Parliament on April 23, 2010. The tricolor was officially designated as the state flag on April 27, 1990, after a long speech delivered in Parliament by Alexandru Moșanu. He spoke then about the historical truth, about the valences of the national colors, the massive support the Tricolor enjoys among the citizens, and the lack of alternatives. Almost 290 deputies from the first Legislature voted for the Tricolor, and the Transnistrian delegation left the meeting hall through the back door.

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