Important for Moldovans abroad! LIST of countries and cities where polling stations will open on October 20

Moldovans living abroad can vote at 234 polling stations on October 20. Three of these stations, located in the United States, Canada, and Sweden, will also accommodate postal voting.Polling stations abroad will...

(VIDEO) Malta’s path to the EU and the benefits for citizens after accession

Located in the center of the Mediterranean, Malta is one of the smallest countries in Europe, with a population of less than 450,000, but rich in history and culture. The country boasts...

With EU membership, Moldovans will have free access to the European labor market. Who will work in Moldova?

Accession to the European Union will require additional efforts from the business environment to keep employees in the country. Eduard Gurin, chairman of the European Business Association, and Sergiu Iurcu, senior advisor...

Parlicov: The Iasi-Chisinau gas pipeline ensured our energy security in 2022, when Gazprom unilaterally limited supplies to Moldova

In 2022, when Gazprom unilaterally reduced gas supplies to Moldova, the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline became a crucial lifeline for the country's energy security by facilitating gas imports from the European market. Energy...

The first Moldovan winery awarded Gold for two wines bottled in PET bottles

Moldovan winemakers are increasingly taking up sustainability practices in the industry and managing to keep up with the world's major wine producers. Castel Mimi is the first winery in the country to...

The Ministry of Education and Research is bringing international students to Moldova. The Minister has announced the details of the allocated funding

The Ministry of Education and Research (MER) will allocate one million euros for internationalization. Specifically, this funding aims to attract international students to universities in our country.The allocation of one million euros...

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The EU energy system helped the Republic of Moldova to overcome the worst crises

Interconnection to the Romanian gas supply system, through the Iasi-Chisinau gas pipeline and to the European ENTSO-E electricity system, helped the Republic of Moldova to overcome the most serious energy crises, State...

A Moldovan hospital received an ambulance and medical devices as a donation from the US

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One year of Russia’s war against Ukraine: acting together to ensure international law will prevail

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Turning Moldova’s Brain Drain into Brain Gain

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Energy audits for 80 Moldova households

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President Sandu, at Euronest: The war in Ukraine made Moldovans poorer

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Minister Popescu asks the EU to sanction the oligarchs for conspiracy

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