Daily Archives: Dec 5, 2023

Moldova Accesses European Funds for Digital Transformation

Entrepreneurs, municipalities, and central institutions in Moldova will have access to European funds for digitization following the completion of negotiations with the EU for Moldova's accession to the Digital Europe Program. Vice...

Moldovan Fruit Import Embargo: Gorincioi Calls It a Political Game by Moscow

The embargo imposed by Russia on fruits and vegetables from the Republic of Moldova is not a novelty and represents a political maneuver by Moscow. This opinion belongs to the president of...

Education Boost: Moldovan Government Allocates 1.6 Billion Lei for Salary Increases Starting 2024

Despite Education unions calling for a minimum 20% salary increase for teachers, the Government has announced a 15% raise for educators and a 10% raise for non-teaching staff, effective January 1, 2024.Education...

Chisinau-Bratislava Talks: Recean and Fico on Revitalizing Political and Economic Ties

The revitalization of political and economic ties between Chisinau and Bratislava, as well as the European path of the Republic of Moldova, were the topics discussed yesterday during the online meeting between...

ESDP Leaders Meet Romanian Ambassador to Discuss Moldova’s European Path

The leadership of the European Social Democratic Party (ESDP), led by President Ion Sula, had a meeting today with the Ambassador of Romania to Chisinau, Cristian-Leon Țurcanu. The topics of discussion focused...

WHO & USAID Make a Huge Donation to Enhance Healthcare Monitoring in Moldova

Today, 114 public healthcare institutions providing primary and specialized outpatient care receive a donation of 400 computers procured by the World Health Organization (WHO). The official handover event took place at the...

Landmark in Moldova: NATO DCB Representatives’ Meeting, Attended by Defense Minister

For the first time, the Annual Meeting of the National Contact Points of the Defense Capacity Building Initiative (DCBI) within NATO is taking place in the Republic of Moldova. The opening of...

Russia Imposes Ban on Moldovan Fruit and Vegetable Imports, Citing “Phytosanitary Concerns”

The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation (Rosselhoznadzor) has announced that it is banning the import of fruits and vegetables from the Republic of Moldova, effective December...


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