
EU Enlargement Discussed in Government: Next Steps for Moldova on the Path to European Integration

In the coming period, the authorities in Chisinau will focus on finalizing reforms in the justice sector, deoligarchization, and combating corruption. The steps that the Republic of Moldova will undertake further on the path to European integration were discussed within the Governmental Commission for European Integration, chaired by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, as stated in the government’s press release.

According to the Executive, the Commission members examined the European Commission’s Enlargement Package for 2023, the observed results, and the next steps that the Republic of Moldova will undertake in the process of joining the European Union.

“We will move forward with the same motivation to deliver results and qualitatively implement our reform agenda. The Commission’s conclusions make us accountable to work with even greater intensity to build Europe here, at home,” declared Dorin Recean, quoted in the statement.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Deputy Prime Minister Nicu Popescu, mentioned that the European Commission’s 9 conditions have been fulfilled at a rate of 94%, which formed the basis for the recommendation to start negotiations with the Republic of Moldova.

Minister Popescu referred to developments in the 33 chapters, noting that Moldova has progressed in areas such as public procurement, free movement of capital, financial services, social policies, and foreign policy.

“It is important to prioritize the European objective of our country and demonstrate an unprecedented mobilization,” stated Nicu Popescu.

The commission members also discussed opportunities to improve the National Coordination Mechanism for European Integration, especially the sectoral working groups, to ensure the development of the national contribution to the Enlargement Package for 2024.

On Wednesday, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the establishment of the Bureau for European Integration, which will prepare our country for accession negotiations with the European Union and coordinate this process.

We remind you that on November 8, the European Commission recommended to the European Council the start of accession negotiations to the EU for the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

The two countries obtained the status of candidate countries for accession in June 2022.

Authorities in Chisinau hope to obtain a favorable decision on the start of accession negotiations with the EU at the European Council summit in December.”

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